World Ayrshire Federation
World Ayrshire Federation
Latest News
World Photographic Competition - Public Vote is now open
It is now time to have your say who should win the Peoples Choice award in the public vote of the World Photographic Competition. Follow the link have a go. Open to anyone interested. Closes 17th April 2020.   ...
April 06 2020
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Brookview Sale Catalogue
Click on the pdf to download the catalogue ...
March 17 2020
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World Ayrshire Federation Conference 2020
Sara Bostock writes a blog of her time at the conference ...
March 11 2020
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International Youth Tour
The International Youth Tour hosted by the UK has come to an end.  Delegates represented six countries and had a varied but busy schedule finishing at the All Breeds All Britain Calf Show where they took part in the showmanship and calf show.  Tour guide Alan Timbrell, UK Ayrshire Breed Manager said what a pleasure it had been meeting and spending time with the delegates and they were a credit to...
October 24 2019
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Hillcrest Ayrshire Sale
Full sale report available now ...
October 09 2019
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Staff Announcement
The executive committee of the World Federation would like to acknowledge the resignation of Duncan Hunter as Breed Manager of the Ayrshire Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland.  The recruitment process is currently underway and in the meantime all responsibilities associated with the position of executive secretary of the World Federation will be dealt with by Claire Kimm, General Manager...
July 04 2019
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